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GDBG Painting problem

Occasionally we see a painting problem in GDBG bounded to a dataset... this dataset gets updated after reeiving a message from server... the user has to minimize or maximimize the window in order to redraw the data... Any idea what is going on ? Regards Yogi

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 3, 2005 07:02 PM UTC

Check you output window for any exceptions that might be being thrown. Are you using multiple threads? Is it possible that there is an open call to grid.BeginUpdate that has not had its matching grid.EndUpdate call done before the grid responds to the server message?

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 4, 2005 02:45 PM UTC

Yes the data do comes from multiple thread.. but we make sure that all this calls are funneled thru UI thread... so i don''t think so that is a problem... also i don''t see any exception in output window... Regards Yogi

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 4, 2005 03:28 PM UTC

Might sure the currencymanager being used is created on the grid''s thread. Here is a forum thread discussing this issue. http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/Forums/message.aspx?MessageID=22186

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