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Performance tip: Override PaneDesc

Here''s a speed enhancement that other users of this forum might find useful: The Syncfusion source code (up to and including at least) is filled with debug-trace statements that expensively evaluate a "PaneDesc" property, then promptly discard it because the trace flag is off. If you don''t plan to turn the trace flag on, you can speed up the grid by overriding PaneDesc: public class MyGridControl : GridControl { public override string PaneDesc { get { return "Whatever"; // Any invariant string } } } This is in the Open Issues list as Defect #43, but I thought I''d point out that there''s an easy workaround. Cheers, Tom

1 Reply

TJ TJ February 28, 2005 06:00 PM UTC

Also, in my application I''ve overrided Update: public override void Update() { } to avoid repainting the grid too often while navigating with the arrow keys. Your mileage may vary... Tom

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