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Customizable user controls on to the designer window

Hi, We were very much impressed with the kind of features you are providing in the Essential Diagram. But we are looking for little more specific requirement adding on top of the existing features. We would like to have a customized user control instead of a rectangle or circle etc. Is it possible for us to have a usercontrol on to the designer window and accordingley change the properties of those customizable controls in the property window. Thanks Ravi Ganta

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 25, 2005 08:40 PM UTC

Adding on to my previous request, as we are evaluating this software for application development, which needs this feature available asap. Could you please let us know when this feature for using customized controls in the designer window. Atleast give us the data. Thanks Ravi Ganta >Hi, >We were very much impressed with the kind of features you are providing in the Essential Diagram. But we are looking for little more specific requirement adding on top of the existing features. >We would like to have a customized user control instead of a rectangle or circle etc. >Is it possible for us to have a usercontrol on to the designer window and accordingley change the properties of those customizable controls in the property window. > >Thanks >Ravi Ganta >

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 25, 2005 09:33 PM UTC

Hi Ravi, The current evaluation version of Essential Diagram does not have support for hosting controls within diagram Symbols. This, however, is a feature that we plan on implementing for the next version of Essential Diagram, that is due before the end of March. A preview version of a symbol type capable of hosting controls should be available as early as the middle of March. But please note that in this control symbol enhancement that we have planned, only the runtime public state of the control will be accessible through the diagram properties editor window and you will not have any of the Windows Forms control design time functionality. Assuming that the control supports serialization, it should be possible to select the control within the diagram and effect changes to its properties through the property editor control. For the time being, please use the workaround advocated in the following forum post - http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/forums/message.aspx?MessageID=17535. The post includes a sample that shows a Windows Forms control being used within a Diagram symbol. Thanks, Prakash Surendra Syncfusion Inc.,

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