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What is the difference between those events: CellDrawn DrawCellDisplayText QuerryCellInfo Assuming i want to update my columnheader based on conditon, where is the best place to go and why ? Thanks B.S.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 24, 2005 03:05 PM UTC

CellDrawn is raised on a cell by cell basis as the grid paints itself after the grid has finished drawing the cell. This is a good event to use to ''decorate'' individual cells with additional drawing after the grid has done its drawing. DrawCellDisplayText is raised as the grid is drawing a particular cell to give you a chance to handle drawing or setting the text that is displayed in the cell. For example, this is a good place to do special formatting of the text is a ReadOnly grid. It is also used to do GDI text drawing to avoid some of the special antialias features in the GDI+ text drawing. QueryCellInfo is raised anytime the grid needs a cell style (colstyle, rowstyle, tablestyle) for any reason (including drawing). The is event gives you dynamic access that allows you to control the style values if you need this.

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