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Derived Masked edit problems

HI I have an issue with Masked Edit Cells and the grouping grid. I am initialising a grouping grid using a collection of GridColumnDescriptors. I have also derived a MaskedEditCell My problems are that the only way I seem to be able to set the mask and the cellvalue up is when i am initialising the gridColumnDescriptor. Can anyone tell me how I can simply inform my grid that I what the cell to be of my derived type and then set the style info, mask and the like, in my cell renderer class, on creation for example. Cheers P

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 24, 2005 03:12 PM UTC

To set CellType values on a cell by cell basis in a GridGroupingControl, you need to use the QueryCellStyleInfo event. There you set e.Style.CellType based on the e.TableCellIndentity value passed in. So, if e.tableCellIndentity points to your special cell, then set e.Style.CellType to the CellType you have created. There is a sample of adding custom celltypes in this forum thread. http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/Forums/message.aspx?MessageID=25265

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