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Format cell with percent signal

Hi, I have an issue when display a double value into gird with percent signal, For Example: Value in database : "0.06". So I need display in Gird with value "6.0%" Please show me how to resolve this issue Thank in advance, Hoang

7 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 21, 2005 09:17 AM UTC

You set the style.CellValueType = typeof(double) and style.Format = "P1". Now, you have explicitly added GridBoundColumns using GridDataBoundGrid.GridBoundColumns.Add from code or have added them with the designer, you would use the grid.GridBoundColumns["colname"].StyleInfo to set these styles. If you have not explicitly added GridBoundColumns, you would use the grid.Binder.InternalColumns["colname"].StyleInfo to set these styles.

HD Hoang Dinh February 21, 2005 10:16 AM UTC

Yes, I am using Binder.InternalColumns[ColumnName] to set style. But still have some isues: 1/ the begin value in a cell is "6.0%", After I deleted 6 and change current value in this cell to "7.0%" and press tab --> Result: an error message show as "7.0% is not a valid value for Double" 2/ the begin value in a cell is "6.0%", After I deleted 6 and change current value in this cell to "7.0" and press tab --> Result: The value of the current cell change to "700.00%" --> How to control these issues? I need current value in that cell always is "7.0%" Thanks

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 21, 2005 11:05 AM UTC

Take a look at this forum thread. It has a sample using QueryCellFormattedText and SaveCellFormattedText to has special requirements like 7.0 being used as 7.0% instead of (excel-like) 7.0 being 700%. Using these events also should avoid the problem with your user typing 7%. http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/Forums/message.aspx?MessageID=17345

HD Hoang Dinh February 22, 2005 02:35 AM UTC

Thanks,I using QueryCellFormattedText and SaveCellFormattedText as your mentioned. It look good. But at the begining of my question. I have a value in datatable is "0.06", and I would like to show on the gird as "6.0%". After that, when I changed to new value "7.0%", I would like to save to datatable as "0.07".Because after I changed to new value "7.0%", I saw new value in datatable is "7.0". I expect this value is "0.07" Please help me to resolve this issue.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 22, 2005 09:51 AM UTC

What are you doing in SaveCellFormattedText? You should change the 7.0% into .07 in that event.

HD Hoang Dinh February 22, 2005 12:29 PM UTC

Thanks, May I ask another issue? How to set focus on a cell? After user type a value into a cell, I must validate this cell to check whether or not the value in this cell is correct. If it is incorrect, I must set focus on this cell. User can not change to another cell except fill a correct value in this cell. Can you help me? Thank in advance,

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 22, 2005 02:24 PM UTC

Try handling the CurrentCellValidating event. In that event, if grid.CurrentCell.Renderer.ControlText holds an invalid value, the set e.Cancel = true. This will make it so your user cannot leave the cell. (You can also set grid.CurrentCell.ErrorMessage if you want a message to be displayed at this point.)

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