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License Problem

I installed the the Essional tools ver 3.1 with the licensed unlock key. After finish the install, I add the dlls to my source safe(to share the others delopers with the tools) and I add the dlls as refereses to the project. In my computer(with all the Essional tools devloper kit) the project was complied but in the other computers the project was not complied. In the project, I have the licenses file was created automaticlly also in the other computers. I gave an error:"Could not transform licenses file "licenses.lics" into a binary resource. (1) : error LC004 : Exception occured creating type "System.MissingMethodException" What I need to do ???

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 15, 2005 10:26 PM UTC

Hi, Please refer to DirectTrac incident 16672. Regards, Gregory Austin Syncfusion Inc.

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