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How to disable URL underline

I am using virtual virtual grid. I observed that default cells underline hyperlinks. How do I disable hyperlink detection? I am using Syncfusion

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 15, 2005 06:49 PM UTC

By default, the grid uses a RichTextBox for editing. It is this control that is underlining the link. Try this setting: this.gridDataBoundGrid1.TableStyle.CellType = "OriginalTextBox"; It sets the grid to default to a TextBox control for editing.

IS Ichiro Sugimoto June 13, 2007 09:59 AM UTC

I can disable blue underline in Textbox cell by changing celltype to "OriginalTextBox", indeed.
Then, How can I do for Combobox cell, whose DropDownStyle is Editable?
(I cannot find celltype "OriginalCombobox"...)

>By default, the grid uses a RichTextBox for editing. It is this control that is underlining the link.
>Try this setting:
>this.gridDataBoundGrid1.TableStyle.CellType = "OriginalTextBox";

>It sets the grid to default to a TextBox control for editing.

HA haneefm Syncfusion Team June 13, 2007 06:54 PM UTC

Hi Sugimoto,

You can handle the CurrentCellControlGotFocus event and set the DetectUrls property of the RichTextBox control to false. Here is a code snippet.

private void gridDataBoundGrid1_CurrentCellControlGotFocus(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.ControlEventArgs e)
RichTextBox RTB = e.Control as RichTextBox;
if( RTB != null )
RTB.DetectUrls = false;

If you want to change the underlying style of the richtextbox then you need to import the "user32.dll" and call the sendMessage method. Here is a minimal sample that shows you "How to set underlying style in a RichTextControl?".

Sample :GDBGUnderlineStyle.zip

Best regards,

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