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Redistributing Syncfusion Assemblies for GridGroupingControl

Hi! This is Jiseon Hong from MIDAS IT, Korea. I am writing to you as I have some questions regarding your product which I have been using. I would really appreciate it if you could make some time to give me some information despite your busy time. 1. As far as I understand, the following dll is needed to be able to use GridGroupingControl. What is the reason that Assemblies are not included in Essential Grid but in Essential Grouping? Syncfusion.Grouping.Base.dll Syncfusion.Grid.Grouping.Base.dll Syncfusion.Grid.Grouping.Windows.dll 2. And if I want to use GridGrouping, do I need to purchase Essential Grouping, in addition to Essential Grid? The information regarding this is nowhere to be found in your website. Where can I find the information I need in relation to this matter?

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 14, 2005 09:35 AM UTC

I am not a sales person, but to include the Grouping support in Essential Grid, I think you will have to either purchase Essential Suite or purchase the Enterprise Edition of Essential Grid. (The enterprise edition of the Grid includes ExcelRW and Grouping). I have forwarded this link to our sales support staff to confirm this information. You can email our sales staff directly at sales@syncfusion.com with these types of questions.

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