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Binding empty datasSet to DBG

Hi guys, i have a problem. Probabely i''m missing something, but when i bind a emty dataSet to a databound grid and enable Edit and AddNew, i do not get a empty row so i can start editing, with a dataset that contains data it is not a problem. Any ideas? (PS we are using version 1.6 and upgrading is not a option for this release.) Thanks in advance, Dave

2 Replies

DH Dave Hermans February 11, 2005 09:34 AM UTC

euhm i was to fast, in Edit it doesn''t work either. If I don’t do a addrange I can’t add rows to the grid. If I do the add range one time, I can keep adding so the next empty rows are added automatically.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 11, 2005 10:45 PM UTC

Attached find a sample project that will compile with Can you modify this sample so that it shows the problem you describe? CS_8122.zip Thanks, Stefan >euhm i was to fast, in Edit it doesn''t work either. > >If I don’t do a addrange I can’t add rows to the grid. >If I do the add range one time, I can keep adding so the next empty rows are added automatically. >

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