Let me clarify. When you use the SetState call you provided, it initialized the dialog into a find state, but you can still click the replace button and get it into the replace state. We don''t want to be able to get into this replace state.
>It doesn''t do what he is asking. I need the same functionality he is asking for. We have a grid that is readonly, and the user should not be able to get to the "Replace" state of the dialog. I need a "FindOnly" state where the Replace button is disabled or not there at all.
>>Does this method in GridFindReplaceDialog help?
>> ///
>> /// Initializes the dialog.
>> ///
>> /// The target for find / replace operations.
>> /// The text to be shown in find text box.
>> /// Specifies if dialog should be shown in find-only or replace mode.
>> public void SetState(IGridFindReplaceDialogSink view, string str, bool bReplace)
>>>we are using Find/Replace (GridFindReplaceDialog ) dialog that provides user to find text on data bound grid.
>>>users want the replace button to be disabled.. how do i achieve this ?