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Show Selected Range after Pasting Data

In a GDBG, if I copy data from a range of cells, click a new cell and then select paste, I would like to show the entire pasted range as selected (Currently, after pasting, only the first cell in the range is selected). How can I achieve this? Thanks, Jeff

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 9, 2005 11:09 PM UTC

I think you need to handle the ClipboardPaste event. In that event you can call Model.CutPaste.Paste() to paste the contents from the clipboard. After that set e.Handled = true; bool inPaste = false; private void gridControl1_ClipboardPaste(object sender, GridCutPasteEventArgs e) { if (inPaste) return; inPaste = true; gridControl1.Model.CutPaste.Paste(); // now select the range of cells // I suggest calling Model.TextDataExchange.CalcBufferDimension(string psz, out int nRows, out int nCols) wheras psz should be the data from e.DataObject (buffer = iData.GetData(DataFormats.Text) as string) // then call Selections.SelectRange(range, true); e.Handled = true; inPaste = false; } Stefan >In a GDBG, if I copy data from a range of cells, click a new cell and then select paste, I would like to show the entire pasted range as selected (Currently, after pasting, only the first cell in the range is selected). How can I achieve this? > >Thanks, >Jeff

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