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Formatting Date Text in MonthCalendar

I have an issue formatting text entered in a MonthCalendar in a databound grid. I''m using the following code: Private Sub grdDetail_CurrentCellValidating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles grdDetail.CurrentCellValidating Dim cc As GridCurrentCell = Me.grdDetail.CurrentCell If cc.ColIndex = 3 Then If IsNumeric(cc.Renderer.ControlText) Then cc.Renderer.ControlText = String.Format("{0:##/##/####}", CType(cc.Renderer.ControlText, Integer)) End If End If End Sub This actually works great in formatting the text entered by a user. However, when a user enters a date in the field, tabs to the next field and the tabs back to the date field and clears the date out if the field the control throws a date format error. The only way to get out of the field is to enter a date or hit the escape key. If I have no code in the CurrentCellValidating event this does not happen. Any hint on how I can still format a date entered and not have this error happen when they clear the field? Thanks

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 9, 2005 05:05 PM UTC

Hi Chris, I tried reproducing it and created a small sample but that seems to be fine. I am probably missing something. Can you upload a small sample project with steps how to provoke the behavior? If upload does not work send it to support@syncfusion.com Thanks, Stefan

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