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Perceptions of a newbie

I have recently purchased your tools suite and am very happy with it. I would however like to pass a few comments on to you. a) the faq pages could do with a printer friendly option. In the UK printing on A4 I lose the words on the righthand edges. b) while the standard of your documents appear to be very good, as a newcomer I find them daunting insomuch as there are no real examples on how to utilise a particular feature. For example I spent at least a day trying to get the XPMenus to appear on a form. I eventually found a document that says the baritems need to be dragged on to the bar. Lots of examples and hover text, but no mention of dragging. c) maybe it is my lack of familiarity with C#, but to look at the class help text and just see loads of methods, but no real explanation on how to use them is very frustrating. The upshot of all of this rambling, is that I shall just use your direct-trac more, which is very impressive by the way. Thanks for reading BOb

2 Replies

PS Prakash S Syncfusion Team January 20, 2003 02:27 PM UTC

Hi Bob, Thanks for the compliment. I will forward this to the rest of the team. We will definitely look into the printer friendly option for the FAQ pages. As for the documentation, did you take a look at the User's Guide that ships along with the Class Reference docs? The product specific User's Guide provides a brief description along with basic guidelines on how to set-up, initialize, and work with the components. Comprehensive samples are present under under the '\Samples\' folder, and our Knowledgebase - http://www.syncfusion.com/kb/ - is also a good source of information on using the Essential Suite products. Prakash Syncfusion, Inc.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 6, 2004 08:09 PM UTC

I also spent some time trying to guess how to make the XPMenu items actually appear in the menu. I would have never guessed I had to drag them! This is one case where a few words of "hint" text in the menu-builder dialog would be a BIG help. Cheers, A happy newbie.

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