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Detail Records from a group

Is there a way to access the detail records from a group? Here is my situation... I am grouping my grid by multiple columns. At least one of the groups has multiple categories. I need to be able to access all of the detail records belonging to this hierarchy of group by columns in order to update them with a new value.

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 2, 2005 05:21 PM UTC

You can iterate through all records of a group (and its child groups) with Group.FlattenedFilteredRecords collection. Stefan >Is there a way to access the detail records from a group? > >Here is my situation... > >I am grouping my grid by multiple columns. At least one of the groups has multiple categories. > >I need to be able to access all of the detail records belonging to this hierarchy of group by columns in order to update them with a new value.

AA Anthony Avella February 3, 2005 03:18 PM UTC

The tool tips tell me that the collection is read only. Is there a way to edit these records? >You can iterate through all records of a group (and its child groups) with Group.FlattenedFilteredRecords collection. > >Stefan > >>Is there a way to access the detail records from a group? >> >>Here is my situation... >> >>I am grouping my grid by multiple columns. At least one of the groups has multiple categories. >> >>I need to be able to access all of the detail records belonging to this hierarchy of group by columns in order to update them with a new value.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 3, 2005 04:22 PM UTC

The collection itsself is read-only but you can loop through the records in the collection and modify the columns/fields of each record by calling Record.SetValue on the record. Stefan

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