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Updating Cells on Entering Edit

I have a virtual grid where the values in the cells can be modified by several people on the network. When a user edits a cell, I want to make sure they''re aware of its most recent value. I''ve tried things like CurrentCell.Refresh in CurrentCellStartEditing, but it seems that the refresh doesn''t make it into the renderer. I''ve tried setting the Renderer.ControlText in that event, but I''ve discovered that I get errors from time to time. (I''ve enclosed a screenshot of the error stack.) What''s the proper way of updating the cell that''s going into edit mode? Also: for something like F2 it should refresh and edit, but if the user starts typing I don''t want to lose their keystrokes. CurrentCellStartEditing_211.zip

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 28, 2005 09:26 PM UTC

Try setting grid.CurrentCell.Renderer.Control.Text to see if that will do what you need. (Note this is Control.Text and not ControlText) If you want to set the initially displayed text, you might also try using the CurrentCellInitializeControlText event. There you can set e.ControlText.

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