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Expand / Collapse in DotNetEdit

Hey all, I just purchased the source code version of the Essentials Suite, and I am totally impressed by the product, your sales rep., and basically your whole company. Outstanding work! I only have one question: In the screenshot for the DotNetEdit sample application, there appears to be the (function) expand/collapse functionality. This is not the case when I compile the app. I cannot find anything in the properties of the editControl either. I could just be missing something, and if that is the case, please point me in the correct direction. DB

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 15, 2003 07:15 PM UTC

Currently only manual outlining is functional (the automatic outlining should be available in our upcoming public patch next week). First, you need to set the following property to true: editControl1.OutliningEnabled = true; To perform the outlining, you can do the following: Build your project with OutliningEnabled set to true In the edit control, select the lines that you want to group as an outlining object. Once selected, right click and choose "Outlinging -> Hide Selection" Now you can collapse/expand the outlining group.

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