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UserControl in GridDataBoundGrid

Hi there, I wonder if its possible to put a usercontrol into a griddataboundgrid ?, seems like ppl use gridControl. I have tried to set the celltype to "Control", and set the usercontrol into the control property but it doesnt work. Do i have to do something like in the ''RepeaterUesrControlSample'' example ? Thank you,

2 Replies

AD Adit January 27, 2005 03:42 AM UTC

Hi, I just want to add 1 more question. How to change the border colour of the cell in the griddataboundgrid when it''s selected ? Thanks,

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 27, 2005 05:51 AM UTC

You cannot change cell style properties (other than CellValue/Text) in a GridDataBoundGrid using an indexer. Instead, you have to use an event, either grid.PrepareviewStyleInfo or grid.Model.QueryCellInfo. See these KB''s. If you want to draw the currentcell border, you can handle the DrawCurrentCellBorder event. Here is a handler that will draw it red. private void gridDataBoundGrid1_DrawCurrentCellBorder(object sender, GridDrawCurrentCellBorderEventArgs e) { Rectangle r = e.Bounds; r.Width = r.Width - 1; r.Height = r.Height - 1; e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, r); e.Cancel = true; //so grid does not overdraw }

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