Problem with painting in extended TabPanelRenderer

Hi, In our application, we want to have MDI Window, MDI Tabbed and a Single window Modes. The first two are pretty straight forward. Single Window mode is nothing but TabbedMDI but don't show all the tabs. Just show the current active tab. The user can close using the X close icon at the right or goto window menu to close/switch between windows. I am having trouble with painting my tabs. I want to just draw the icon and the window title in the tab area of the tab panel. Reproduction steps. 1. Run the attached application. It opens two windows. TabbedMDI window is the Syncfusion sample. XPForm is my test window. 2. Click XPForm's File -> NewDocument five times. It opens 5 documents. 3. Now just click File menu so that it drops down. Then click Dummy1, Dummy2, Dummy3 and Dummy4. Notice that my tabpanel is not getting painted properly. 4. If you minimize and restore the window, it works fine. Also, 1. Click Tabbed MDI's File->New -> Document 1. It will switch to my Single window mode. Now just click on all the main menus File, MDIMetabs, window, help. It paints ok. But when you partially cover/uncover the window, it gets messed up. You may comment out my debug FillRectangles to get rid off my debugging colors. I am using the wrong bounds. Can you please look my code and point out any solution. thanks, - Reddy

2 Replies

RP Ramesh Praveen Syncfusion Team January 15, 2003 12:29 PM UTC

Reddy, Before I look into this, I want to suggest a better way of implementing "Single Window Mode". Our next version of Tools (scheduled in Feb) will include the TabVisible and TabEnabled properties for the TabPageExts. Which means you could possibly set TabVisible = false for the tabpages corresponding to each inactive mdi child form. Then only the active child form's tab will be visible. Let me know if this makes sense. This will save you a lot of drawing trouble. And if you insist the tabs could also be customized to draw without borders. Regards, Praveen Ramesh

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 15, 2003 12:47 PM UTC

Praveen, Yes setting the tab visible to true/false would work. I will wait until you release the next version. thanks, - Reddy

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