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How can I adjust the right margin for the content of cells in column


1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 22, 2005 07:48 AM UTC

I do not understand what you are requesting. If you want the right-most column to fill the client area o fthe grid so there is no space between the last column and the scrollbar, then try handling the grid.QueryColWidth event(grid.Model.QueryColWidth in GridDataBoundGrid). In your handler, if e.Index == this.grid.model.ColCount, set e.Size = grid.model.ColWidths.Gettotal(0, grid.Model.ColCount-1), and also set e.Handled = true. If you want to proportionally size the columns to fill the client area, then check out \Grid\Samples\DataBound\GridDataBoundImageCell sample.

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