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How to disable XPTaskBarBox animation ?

How can i disable the XPTaskBarBox animation on "Enter" Key press ? I juste want the box stay dropdown !

7 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 17, 2005 04:31 PM UTC

Hi David, I''m having trouble understanding exactly what you''re asking. Do you want to disable the animation and have the XPTaskBarBox collapse immediately, or do you want to prevent the XPTaskBarBox from collapsing at all? Regards, Gregory Austin Syncfusion, Inc.

DM david martin January 18, 2005 06:37 AM UTC

Hi Greg, I have a form with three XPTaskBarBox with various controls like AdvTabs, Grid, Combo... In design Mode my XPTaskBarBox properties are : Collapsed = "False" , ShowCallapseButton = "False" When my form is open and the focus is on a XPTaskBarBox, i don''t want user could change the XPTaskBarBox collapse state by pressing the "spacebar" or "Enter" Key. Thanks, David. >Hi David, > > I''m having trouble understanding exactly what you''re asking. Do you want to disable the animation and have the XPTaskBarBox collapse immediately, or do you want to prevent the XPTaskBarBox from collapsing at all? > >Regards, >Gregory Austin >Syncfusion, Inc.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 18, 2005 06:14 PM UTC

Hi David, To create an XPTaskBarBox that can''t be collapsed, you can extend the class. Then all you have to do is override ToggleContentVisibility(bool) to do nothing. The following code snippet demonstrates this. internal class NoCollapseXPTaskBarBox : Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.XPTaskBarBox { protected override void ToggleContentVisibility(bool a) { } } I hope this meets your requirements. Regards, Gregory Austin Syncfusion, Inc.

DM david martin January 19, 2005 11:13 AM UTC

Hi Greg, It''s ok, thank you for your help. David

RP River Phoenix June 17, 2005 06:42 PM UTC

Depending on what you''re doing, you might also be able to just set ShowCollapseButton = false and also FocusOnClick = false to prevent it from taking focus to enable enter/spacebar affecting it to begin with.

RP River Phoenix June 17, 2005 06:43 PM UTC

And TabStop = false, of course.

RP River Phoenix June 17, 2005 06:46 PM UTC

My own question is: how can the animation be set so that the previous animation doesn''t flicker when the user tries to toggle it again while it''s already in the middle of an animation. As it is by default, the previous animation jumps to finish instantaneously before the new one begins. I would want it to just change direction in the middle.

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