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Moving Bar

I''ve got an XPMenus "Bar" (unsing MainFrameBarManager/ChildFrameBarManager). I need to indent it. So, instead of the bar starting at X=0, I want it to start further to the right. [This is for a demo very soon, so any help is appreciated; I''m willing to subclass and hack...] Thank you very much, Dan

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 17, 2005 02:09 PM UTC

Hi Dan, To create a gap between the start of a Bar and the first BarItem, you should use a StaticBarItem. By placing a StaticBarItem as the first item on the Bar, you can push the first actual item to the right. A long string of spaces would normally be sufficient. However, MainFrameBarManager compresses a large number of spaces, so you''ll need to include a tab on the end of the string. The following statement will do this for you. this.staticBarItem1.Text = " \t"; Regards, Gregory Austin Syncfusion, Inc.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 17, 2005 06:38 PM UTC

Hi Dan, If you wish to set an offset to the XPMenus.Bar, you could do so as by using the CommandBar''s RowOffSet property as shown below : CommandBar cmdbar1 = this.mainFrameBarManager1.GetBarControl(this.bar1); // Set any desired offset cmdbar1.RowOffset = 150; Please let me know if this meets your requirements. We appreciate your interest in Syncfusion products. Regards, Guru Patwal Syncfusion, Inc.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 18, 2005 05:45 AM UTC

Yes, thank you. It might be nice to be able to set a global offset for the bar. Doing this timetimes re-arranges things if you have multiple bars on the toolbar. Thanks, Dan

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