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Manipulating existing PDF stream

Hi I am using ASP.NET...I have a PDF stream from SQL Reporting Services ...is there any way of intercepting this stream (without needing to turn it into a physical file) and manipulating it with your PDF product ie. watermark, encryption etc, before it gets sent to the client as an updated stream? Thanks Phil

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 14, 2005 07:21 PM UTC

Hi Phil, Thank you for your interest in Essenial PDF. Unfortunately we do not have support for doing that in the current version of Essential PDF. Since the pdf stream is already generated, Essential PDF does not have any API to work with it. Thanks. Best regards, Stephen. >Hi > >I am using ASP.NET...I have a PDF stream from SQL Reporting Services ...is there any way of intercepting this stream (without needing to turn it into a physical file) and manipulating it with your PDF product ie. watermark, encryption etc, before it gets sent to the client as an updated stream? > >Thanks >Phil

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