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How can I get the range of cells being painted in the onPaint event? RangeInfoToRectangle is giving me a much larger range. For example, if I programmatically go to the end of the spreadsheet then the call to this.RectangleToRangeInfo(e.ClipRectangle), returns the entire spreadsheet from column 1 to my max number of columns. Thanks, Steve

3 Replies

ST Steve January 11, 2005 05:43 PM UTC

I believe I''ve answered it. this.ViewLayout.RectangleToClientRowCol(e.ClipRectangle.... should give just the viewable cells being painted, correct?

ST Steve January 11, 2005 06:25 PM UTC

Nevermind, that didn''t work after I scolled. What method should I use in the onPaint event to get the range of cells being painted? Thanks, Steve

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 11, 2005 06:33 PM UTC

I think you do need to use this.ViewLayout.RectangleToClientRowCol. But this gives you the client row/col range (not absolute row/col). Once you have the client row/col range, you can add grid.LeftColIndex and grid.TopRowIndex to get the range I think you are looking for.

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