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Docking AutoHide problem

I have two docking windows that are tabbed and docked to the right hand side of my form. When I click the ''pin'' to auto hide them they are pinned to the left hand side of the form rather than the right. Why does it not pin to the side at which it is docked? How can I enforce this? Version is

2 Replies

JS Jeffrey Sanchez January 11, 2005 02:14 PM UTC

We''re having the same problem. Please help us. >I have two docking windows that are tabbed and docked to the right hand side of my form. When I click the ''pin'' to auto hide them they are pinned to the left hand side of the form rather than the right. Why does it not pin to the side at which it is docked? How can I enforce this? > >Version is

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 17, 2005 06:30 AM UTC

Hi Jeff, Is this an existing application that you had upgraded from 2.0 to 3.1?. If thats the case , there has been some change in the serialization code so could you please try making some small change in the designer like resizing a window and then save the application and then try running it again. Also, do you see the problem in our sample?.Thanks. Best regards, Stephen. >We''re having the same problem. Please help us. > >>I have two docking windows that are tabbed and docked to the right hand side of my form. When I click the ''pin'' to auto hide them they are pinned to the left hand side of the form rather than the right. Why does it not pin to the side at which it is docked? How can I enforce this? >> >>Version is

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