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Image Setting + Column width problem

Hi I have an application (C#) that will print information to excel file , I have a template excel (repbldgFormat.xls) file that Has a setting for columns width each column in the sheet has different size , In addition there is a two Images file , I set those Images as (Don’t Move or size with cells) at the template file. On My application there is a grid of information, the user has the ability to hide or display some columns on the applications grid, then the report on the excel file depends on this result if column(A (in the application is hidden then column lets say (10) at the excel file should be hidden and The first column in the file should increased by the size of the hidden column. When I tried to do this function I found the following problem results: 1) At the saved file , the Images are Moved from its position if some columns hided. 2) At the saved file the function of increasing the column size not works. Attached with my message the procedure syntax I comment in the syntax the position where the problem occurred by this comments: ///----> the Problems for Me Starts from Here //The Problem Starts Here //The Columnwidth Not Accepting the New Value of Width. Note : The office version is 2000. Thanks

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