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Unique ordering of groups

Hello, I would like to group 1 column in a grouping grid (the Fruit Column), but I dont want the groups to be displayed in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order. I need them to be listed in rank order. For example:- (Alphabetical) Fruits:- 5 Items Fruit Rank Apple - 2Items 2 Banana - 1Items 1 Orange - 3Items 4 Peach - 2Items 5 Pear - 1Items 3 I need something like :- (although the rank column will not be displayed) Banana - 1Items 1 Apple - 2Items 2 Pear - 1Items 3 Orange - 3Items 4 Peach - 1Items 5 These fruits have a certain rank and I need to sort them by that rank, but need the "Fruit Column" to be grouped. I know I can group by the rank column and manually modify the summary row to give the correct information, while hiding the rank column. But I would like to know if you have added any changes to allow somebody to do this another way in Version 3? Thanks, David.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 6, 2005 01:03 PM UTC

Another way to do this is to cresate your own Categorizer and Comparer object. This KB has a sample.

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