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CardLayout and Docked AutoHidden Panel

I'm doing a test with the CardLayout manager on a panel that I've enabled for docking. When I change views and switch from card to card ala Me.CardLayout.SelectedCard = "Card2" it works. When I change the view back to Card1 it works also. The problem I run into is when the container panel is in AutoHide mode. When the CardLayout's container is in AutoHide the switch to Card2 works, but it will not switch back to Card1 when it is called (either fully hidden or active and visable but not pinned down). I've stepped through it in debug and that line is being called, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on the SelectedCard. Any thoughts? Thanks, Tom

3 Replies

TL Tom Le Blanc January 3, 2003 09:26 PM UTC

> When the CardLayout's container is in AutoHide the switch to Card2 works, but it will not switch back to Card1 when it is called (either fully hidden or active and visible but not pinned down). Quick correction: It does function properly when visible (sorry about the typo) but not when AutoHidden. T

PS Prakash S Syncfusion Team January 6, 2003 09:10 PM UTC

Tom, I can understand how the switching fails when the Panel is in the autohidden state, as the card layout algorithm probably checks for the visibile property and expects it to be in a certain state before performing the switch. Please send me a small sample that shows the problem. I will look into it and see if it is possible to fix/workaround this condition. Prakash Syncfusion, Inc.

TL Tom Le Blanc January 8, 2003 03:50 PM UTC

I submitted a Direct-Trac ticket and this was the reply from Praveen: "We could reproduce the problem. We will include a fix for this issue in our next release (due in mid-Feb). As a workaround, you could listen to the DockVisibilityChanged event in the DockingManager and when the container panel becomes Visible, you could reapply the SelectedCard property based on the current Combo setting." This helped. Thanks, Tom

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