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Can not get MouseUp event when clicking on Text cell of GridDataBoundGrid

1) When cursor is in Text cell of GridDataboundGrid, then Right mouse click I can not get MouseUp event. Please show me how to do it? 2) I would like to implement Cut/Copy/Paste/SelectAll features on text cell of GridDataBoundGrid but I can not implement SelectAll on Text Cell. The Text cell doesn''t have SelectAll method like TextBox. How can I implement selectAll function in Text cell? Thanks for your help!

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 4, 2005 06:48 AM UTC

1) Here is a thread that has a sample at the bottom. 2) Given the currentcell, here is ode that will select all the text in a TextBox cell. GridCurrentCell cc = this.gridControl1.CurrentCell; cc.BeginEdit(); GridTextBoxControl tb = cc.Renderer.Control as GridTextBoxControl; if(tb != null) tb.SelectAll();

DB David Bosak January 4, 2005 07:40 AM UTC

I am using GridDataBoundGrid not GridControl. So can you answer these question for GridDataboundGrid? Thanks! >1) Here is a thread that has a sample at the bottom. > > > >2) Given the currentcell, here is ode that will select all the text in a TextBox cell. > >GridCurrentCell cc = this.gridControl1.CurrentCell; >cc.BeginEdit(); >GridTextBoxControl tb = cc.Renderer.Control as GridTextBoxControl; >if(tb != null) > tb.SelectAll(); >

DB David Bosak January 4, 2005 08:32 AM UTC

Great!, Thank you very much!. Everything is ok now.

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