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3.0 Backwards Compatablility

I installed the latest version of syncfusion, and it now seems that the dll''s have been split up. Maybe it is just me, but this does not seem like the best idea in the world. Now I need to go through every resx file in my application and change the dll it is using. Is there any way around this? This is very inconvenient, since I would like to test the new version, while other people use the old one.

4 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 30, 2004 04:56 PM UTC

Hi Michael, The release notes and readme files contain information on what you are seeking. Migration: - The readme file has a section titled" Migrating existing projects from earlier versions of Essential Suite" which gives you detailed instructions on updating references to migrate existing applications. Resx issues: - If you have resx files containing grid information saved as binary resources from an earlier grid version, these resx files will need to be converted using the ConvertResX tool that you can find in Syncfusion\Essential Suite\\Utilities\Migration\ConvertResx folder. The tool is FrameWork version specific, so you should use the version that matches the Framework version you are using, 1.0 or 1.1. This tool will allow you to convert many resx files at one time. - You can also open the form that contains the Grid and then click on the Touch It verb to address resx issues. Essential Edit Users: - Note that version 3.0 Essential Edit and Essential Edit Legacy are two entirely different products. Hence products developed in earlier versions of Essential Edit (now renamed to Essential Edit Legacy), will not be automatically compatible with version 3.0 Essential Edit. However, you could continue using Essential Edit Legacy libraries for the same. Also, we recommend you to use version 3.0 Essential Edit for any new applications that you may wish to develop. Regards Arun

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 2, 2005 05:12 AM UTC

From the readme: "resx files containing grid information saved as binary resources" Under what circumstances would we have binary resources? Just setting noral options for a GridGroupingControl in the property editor doesn''t create binary resources, correct? Thanks, Dan

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 2, 2005 09:57 AM UTC

GridGroupingControl does not use / never used binary resources, all settings are serialized as Code into the InitializeComponent method. We also changed GridControl for version 3.0 now such that it uses only Code serialization. This will eliminate trouble with upgrading in future. But forms created with earlier version of EG were using binary resources (Data, ColWidths, RowHeights and more). If you modify these forms in the designer they will be converted to code serialization. Stefan >From the readme: "resx files containing grid information saved as binary resources" > >Under what circumstances would we have binary resources? Just setting noral options for a GridGroupingControl in the property editor doesn''t create binary resources, correct? > >Thanks, >Dan

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 4, 2005 10:31 AM UTC

The problem with doing this, is that it is an all or nothing shot. I work on a project with a few developers under a code control system. It makes things very difficult if I want to test out the latest version, while other people continue to use the old version. With previous releases this wasn''t a problem, but now it is. In the future I would recomend that you do not do this again.

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