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Changing cursor on GridGroupingControl

Hi I am trying to change the cursor on a GridGroupingControl. But it does not seems to work. this.portfolioHoldingGrid.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor; Even after this statement I see the cursor as the default arrow cursor. The cursor only turns to hourglass at the bottom edge and the top edge of the grid. What could be wrong? Thanks Sameer

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 21, 2004 09:05 AM UTC

Tere is no property setting that will allow you to control the cursor. The TableControl in the GridGroupingControl manages the cursor through a mousecontroller architecture that allows it to manage the different mouse requirements. There are two options to control teh cursor. One is to write a mousecontroller and register it with the tableControl, and the other is to derive the TableControl and override OnSetCursor. The simplest of these options is to override tableControl.OnSetCursor. You also have to override teh GridGroupingControl to allow it to create an instance of your TableCOntrol class. Here is a sample.

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