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List of MDI Children in XPMenu's

Hello, Tabbed MDI manager has a property MdiListMenuItem. How can I use this property with XP Menu's or is there another method to handle list of MDI chlidren using your Tools without writing everything on my own ? Thanks, Aidas

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 6, 2002 01:00 PM UTC

When using both XP Menus and TabbedMDIManager you do not have to set the MdiListMenuItem property in the TabbedMDIManager to get the MDI children list in the menus. All you need is a MdiListBarItem in the XP Menus. Our XPMenus sample (under ..\Tools\Samples\Quick Start) uses this bar item to list the mdi children. This list item will expand to show the mdi children list whether or not TabbedMDIManager is used to manage the layout of the mdi children. -Praveen Ramesh

AI Aidas May 7, 2002 04:25 PM UTC

I should read the manual before posting that, shouldn't I ? ;-) Thanks, Aidas

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