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Grid location

Hi, Is it possible to add an offset on the grid start location? I have Horizontal and Vertical spacing set to 28 pixels and want the first grid square to start in position x=10px,y=10px instead of 0;0 as it is now. Best Regards Tommy

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 10, 2004 11:06 PM UTC

Hi Here is a sample that shows how you can do what you are seeking. It contains a derived Diagram in (MyDiagram) in which the CreateView() is overriden to return a custom View (MyView). In the derived View the CreateGrid() is overriden to return a custom LayoutGrid (LayoutGrid). Take a look at the code in the MyLayoutGrid class in which Draw() and DrawLineGrid() are overriden and changes can be made as per your requirements. Regards Arun

TN Tommy Norman December 13, 2004 10:11 AM UTC

Hi Arun, Thanks alot for the code example this looks promising! However this means I have to go to which is still a beta. When can I expect the release of 3.0? I have to deliver in Mars and I don''t want to deliver beta assemblies. Best Regards Tommy

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 13, 2004 04:28 PM UTC

Hi Tommy The 3.0 version of Essential Suite is scheduled to ship this week. You can contact our Sales Team at salessupport@syncfusion.com if you need a key for the 3.0 version. Regards Arun

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