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ColumnHeader Double Click

Hi, I want to capture what column header was double clicked. I''m using the TableControlCellDoubleClick event, which has the GridTableControlCellClickEventArgs. The options i get are Inner and TableControl. The thing is when i chose inner, it gives me the wrong column index and if i chose tablecontrol.currentcell i get -1 for rowindex and colindex, because nothing''s selected obviously. How do i get the column index of the column header the users'' clicked on? i also need to check if it''s the column header that''s been clicked (rowindex = 0). thanks in advanced!

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 8, 2004 07:20 AM UTC

For me, I could not get TableControlCellDoubleClick to be raised on header cells. I might have differernt properties set than you do. But I was able to use TableControlMouseDown and look for 2 leftclicks. In that event, you can test for a header row and get teh column clicked using code like:
private void gridGroupingControl1_TableControlMouseDown(object sender, GridTableControlMouseEventArgs e)
	if(e.Inner.Clicks == 2 && e.Inner.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
		int row, col;
		Point pt = new Point(e.Inner.X, e.Inner.Y);
		if(e.TableControl.PointToRowCol(pt, out row, out col))
			GridColumnHeaderRow headerRow = e.TableControl.Table.DisplayElements[row] as GridColumnHeaderRow;
			if(headerRow != null)
				int pos = e.TableControl.TableDescriptor.ColIndexToField(col);
				string colName = e.TableControl.TableDescriptor.VisibleColumns[pos].Name;

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