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remove event from Checkbox in GridControl

Hi, I have a gridControl in my app. And in each row I have a column with a checkbox. How can I remove the click event from all the checkboxes in this column? I already have a row click event to check or not check the checkbox, and other things, depending the checkbox''s value. When I click on the checkbox, the event from the checkbox, check the checkbox, and the click event from the row, uncheck it. So the box still the value before the click. I still want to check or uncheck the checkbox when I click the row, but not when I click on the checkbox. Thanks, Jose Melo

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 6, 2004 02:03 PM UTC

What event are you using to do your ''row click''? Try using grid.CellClick. CellClick is raised only if you click on a checkbox cell and miss the checkbox. If you hit the checkbox, the event is not raised. So, doing your row event code there should only change the checkbox once (I think).

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