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Building a browser

Our interest in the HTMLUI control is to actually create a replacement for the MS Web Browser ActiveX control. I realize the HTMLUI control isn''t a browser, and we can handle most of the stuff, but there are a few issues that are a problem. 1: Why isn''t it derived from the Syncfusion scroll control? It''s derived from the System.Windows.Forms.ScrollControl. Our initial interest in going this route was because we want to use our own scroll controls to give the browser our look and feel. We couldn''t do that with the MS ActiveX and we were sure we''d be able to do it with the HTML UI. Any chance that will change? 2: I can handle the getting data for the HTMLUI control from the web. Where I run into issues is with things like image references. Is there an event I can handle to get the data from the browser control? Here''s kind of what I''ve done. Let''s say I go to www.google.com. I do a web request, convert the response stream to a memory stream (so seek will work), and then call the HTMLUIControl.LoadHTML(stream). Now, that HTML document may have references to images that aren''t local. Is there any way I can determine this and get the data for the control? Thanks

4 Replies

DJ Davis Jebaraj Syncfusion Team December 3, 2004 08:21 PM UTC

Hi Pete, Thanks for the feedback. 1. We will change the implementation of HTMLUIControl to use Syncfusion scroll control. I have asked the development team to look into this and they should be making the change within the next few days. 2. Currently, it would be possible to change the src attribute of the img tag by handling the PreRenderDocument event of the HTMLUIControl. I will work on a sample and send it over to you at the earliest. Thank you for your patience. Regards, Davis

RS Rainer Schumann September 9, 2005 08:18 AM UTC

Hi Davis, > >2. Currently, it would be possible to change the src attribute of the img tag by handling the PreRenderDocument event of the HTMLUIControl. I will work on a sample and send it over to you at the earliest. > Could I get this example, too? I am currently trying to load a html-page from a resource and to make the htmlui load the images from a stream, to no avail TIA Rainer

NR Nandakumar R Syncfusion Team September 12, 2005 12:43 PM UTC

Hi Rainer, Please refer to the sample linked to below for accessing the src attribute of any image and changing it in the PreRenderDocument handler . Please try the sample and let me know if it helps. 22123_htmluiimgload.zip Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products. Regards, Nanda.

RS Rainer Schumann September 13, 2005 07:26 AM UTC

Hi Nanda, thanks for your answer! As mentioned in my post, my problem was slightly different, but the example gives hints in the correct direction. I could solve my original problem (load images referenced in a html-page from a stream) by connecting the NoImage events for all relevant tags in the PreRenderDocument Event and then hook up the streams in the NoImage events. The crucial part was, to set the stream AND key property, a fact that was not easily found out by looking into the documentation (it is a bit ''sparse'' at times). Thanks again for the speedy reply, that is definitely above standard. Regards Rainer

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