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Grouping Grid - feature request.

We are using ES2.1.0.9. In this version when you apply a group to a grouping grid the sorting is automatically set to the grouped column. In a future release could you please add the ability to group by one column, and sort by another. Thanks.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 6, 2004 01:09 PM UTC

If I understand what you want, you may be able to do this now using a custom comparer for your col. Say, you want to group on Col1, but sort on some other criteria. Then using code like this would let you sort using anbitrary IComparer object. SortColumnDescriptor sd = new SortColumnDescriptor("Col1"); sd.Comparer = new MyComparer(); //IComparer object this.gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.GroupedColumns.Add(sd);

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