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using DoubleTextBox as input control in gridgroupingcontrol

from the celltype property, i was not able to find the DoubleTextBox control. how do i apply that to a column in the ggc? thanks and regards. lance

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 2, 2004 06:19 AM UTC

You would have to derive a custom cell control (renderer and model classes) like you do in either a GridControl or a GridDataBoundGrid control. We ship many samples for these controls. See the grid\samples\celltypes\calendarcell for one example. If you do a search in our grid\samples folder for the string CellModel1.Add(, you will get dozens of hits. This is the way a custom cell type is added to the grid. So, each hit will point to another sample of creating and using a custom cell type. Once you have the custom celltyle that uses the DoubleTextBox, you can use this.gridGroupingControl1.TableModel.CellModels.Add to register your custom control so you can then use your new CellType in a column. In 3.0, we ship a sample showing one use case. Syncfusion\Essential Suite\\Windows\Grid.Windows\Samples\Grouping\CustomCellTypes A simpler way, if it will serve your needs, might be to use the Currency CellType that we ship. You could set the CurrencySymbol to a blank or empty string to see if that serves your needs. This way you do not have to derive a custom cell control.

SS Sharad Sharma July 7, 2005 12:26 PM UTC

Hello Clay Burch, I have a user control with a normal combobox and a button in it. combo box has values like A,B,C,.....X,Y,Z I have a form with a GridDataBoundGrid with 5 columns; Code, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, and Remarks. I want to put this user control on a separate column (should be added separately in grid) which should be linked with column MiddleName. I am populating grid with an xml file with the same fields as mention above with many records. When the grid gets populated, all the comboboxes should be initialized with the corresponding value in column MiddleName (for all the rows in grid). User should be able to select any item inside the combobox in the desired row of grid. The value under the column MiddleName on selected row should be changed according to the value of in combobox. When user click button (available inside user control), it simply opens another form (on which there are details about that MiddleName like; K for Kumar or Kaushik, and P for Parasad, Prakash, or Pratap, and so on, this is just to provide some description about the MiddleName that he has selected). I need your help in the issue, that how can i bind the User control with Grid and how can I manipulate combobox as well. Please help me out in this. Awaiting reply. Thanks Sharad Kapil Sharma

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 7, 2005 11:04 PM UTC

As described in response to your post in this thread http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/Forums/message.aspx?MessageID=31425, it may be simpler to add 2 unbound columns, one for the combobox and one for the button.

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