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Beta expiration!

Egads! I''m locked out of development since my beta expired (today). I really don''t want to roll back to v2, since I''ve already migrated everything to v3 (the resx for a class that used a GridBag didn''t make the migration, so I had to re-''propertize'' it). Please advise!

3 Replies

WP Waldemar Porscha November 19, 2004 12:59 PM UTC

Hi folks, same with me, please provide a betaextender as in the previous betas. Regards, Waldemar

MT Michel T Dallaire November 19, 2004 03:12 PM UTC

Same for me! :-) Regards.

MT Michel T Dallaire November 19, 2004 03:17 PM UTC

If your in a hurry to work, like I am, move your computer clock back a couple of days, until the betaextender is out. It works for me. That gives me other problems for email, but for 1 days it doesn''t hurt much and I can continue to work. Please, don''t try this at home. lol ;-)

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