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Trouble modifying example

I''m trying to duplicate your "Customized Cell Buttons" example in my application. However, I want to use a larger bitmap that displays text and i want the button centered in the column. I''ve changed about everything in that example and cannot seem to get it to behave as I want. I''ve changed most of the numeric data in an attempt to make the button bigger or show in the center of the column, and nothing happens. Any chance i could get you to show me the way?

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 19, 2004 11:55 AM UTC

In the EllipsisCell.cs file, in OnLayout, make this change. //buttonsBounds[0] = GridUtil.CenterInRect(rightArea, new Size(20, 20)); buttonsBounds[0] = GridUtil.CenterInRect(innerBounds, new Size(40, 40)); In the EllipsisCellModel constructor, make this change. //base.ButtonBarSize = new Size(20, 20); base.ButtonBarSize = new Size(40, 40); Also, make sure the row height for these cells are taller than 40. With these changes, I think you should see your centered larger buttons. I do not know where you want the text, but you should make your OnLayout return a bounding textrectangle so the grid knows where you want it. You may also want to tweak OnQueryPrefferedClientSize.

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