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Essential Grid and Visual Inheritance

Do you know of any problems with the grid control and Visual Inheritance in the Visual Studio? I have two problems. First, after I inherit (from either a file in the assembly or from a dll) from a user control or from containg a grid control everthing is correct and the control is visible. After changing some propereties I get the Visual Studio notification that it can't find the constructor for the object I am inheriting from and it will no longer display in the designer. Secondly, I an ealier version I used Load Template to intiialize the form, I had similar and some far worse symptoms that required deleting the source file to eliminate. Now sevelal weeks later, when I am attempting to do visual inheritance, the inherited control is formatted with the template. The template .egt file has long since been deleted so it is not getting it from there.

4 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 19, 2002 12:10 PM UTC

There are probably several problems with Visual Inheritance as we have not yet worked out all the details to support visual inheritance with the grid. Only our Essential Tools product right now fully supports Visual Inheritance. We plan to support it with Essential Grid soon in a future version, though. Stefan

JN Joe Nash December 19, 2002 02:47 PM UTC

Thanks. I will work around it. BTW I just purchased the suite - it is fantastic. > Do you know of any problems with the grid control and Visual Inheritance in the Visual Studio? I have two problems. First, after I inherit (from either a file in the assembly or from a dll) from a user control or from containg a grid control everthing is correct and the control is visible. After changing some propereties I get the Visual Studio notification that it can't find the constructor for the object I am inheriting from and it will no longer display in the designer. Secondly, I an ealier version I used Load Template to intiialize the form, I had similar and some far worse symptoms that required deleting the source file to eliminate. Now sevelal weeks later, when I am attempting to do visual inheritance, the inherited control is formatted with the template. The template .egt file has long since been deleted so it is not getting it from there. >

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 20, 2002 07:29 PM UTC

Stefan, That explains why my VS.NET sometimes keeps crashing i.e. just disappears when I open an inherited form with Grid in it. BTW, if I delete the grid related code in "InitializeComponent()" of my derived class, it works. It took me a while to figure it out. When do you plan on supporting this feature? thanks, - Reddy

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 21, 2002 09:57 AM UTC

Reddy, We have identified one problem that can cause Visual Studio just to shut down. It can happen with any control that sets default values to extremely large numbers (not just Essential Grid). Check the designer generated code for any lines setting values to very large numbers (say 1e50 or larger). This can happen when you use the numericupdown cell and the grid (prior to version would set the defaultvalue to double.MaxValue. These large numbers just choke Visual Studio the next time you try to open the form. If you have files done with versions earlier than, just open up the designer code and remove these lines. Then maybe VisStu will not shutdown. Clay

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