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Calculate bug with >= and <=

There is a bug with the calcultate object: just try it in your sample manual calculation. for example A 10 B =[A]<12 (return true, this one is okay) B =[A]<=12 (return invalid expression, not good) B =[A]>12 (return false, this one is okay B =[A]>=12 (return invalid expression, not good) B =[A]=<12 (runtime error, needs a try catch) B =[A]=>12 (runtime error, needs a try catch)

4 Replies

MT Michel T Dallaire November 16, 2004 03:12 PM UTC

I forgot to say it''s in the CalcQuick

MT Michel T Dallaire November 16, 2004 03:17 PM UTC

I just find out that the problem exists only when one of the component in the formula is a varaible name. A 1 B =[A]>=2 not working but B =1>=2 works fine.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 16, 2004 04:59 PM UTC

This problem has been fixed. Thank you for reporting it. We are also internally swapping => into >= and =< into <= now.

MT Michel T Dallaire November 25, 2004 10:39 AM UTC

They now all work just right in thank you.

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