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I am using the evaluation version of the Syncfusion Essential Grid control
I have the 1.1 installed on my pc. I am trying to add the components for Syncfusion.Grid.dll and Syncfusion.Shared.dll to the toolbox tab in the Visual Studio designer. When I click OK, only some items such as "Folder Browser", "Grid Layout" etc are higlighted . The main ones such as "Grid Control", "GridDataboundGrid" items are all disabled and I am unable to drag and drop those into the designer form.
Please help!
ADAdministrator Syncfusion Team November 15, 2004 09:08 PM UTC
Check your GAC (\Windows\Assembly folder) to make sure only the versions of the Syncfusion DLLs are listed there. is the latest evaluation build.
If this is not correct, I would uninstall and then reinstall the evaluation.