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Legend Position & Size

Hello, I''m trying to display my legend at the bottom of my chart with a vertical orientation (see code below). However, the height of the legend is always too small to display all my legend items (5 items) in a vertical orientation. I thought that if I adjusted the bottom chart area margin that my legend would scale to the correct size. Unfortunately this was not the case. Therefore my question is this: How do I adjust the height of my legend to so that it displays correctly in a vertical orientation? Me.ChartCntrlStrScrd.Legend.RepresentationType = ChartLegendRepresentationType.SeriesType Me.ChartCntrlStrScrd.LegendPosition = ChartLegendPosition.Bottom Me.ChartCntrlStrScrd.ChartAreaMargins.Bottom = 30 Me.ChartCntrlStrScrd.Legend.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical Me.ChartCntrlStrScrd.Legend.ShowBorder = False Thank you, Andrew

2 Replies

DJ Davis Jebaraj Syncfusion Team November 9, 2004 01:12 PM UTC

Hi Andrew, We regret that the Chart doesn''t automatically adjust the Legend''s height when the Orientation is set to Vertical and positioned at the bottom. You can workaround this problem by handling the MinSize event of the Legend. Please refer to the sample linked below: 21340ChartLegendPosition_6850.zip Thanks, Davis

AN Andrew November 14, 2004 07:50 PM UTC

Thanks for the helpful response. Andrew >Hi Andrew, > >We regret that the Chart doesn''t automatically adjust the Legend''s height when the Orientation is set to Vertical and positioned at the bottom. > >You can workaround this problem by handling the MinSize event of the Legend. > >Please refer to the sample linked below: > >21340ChartLegendPosition_6850.zip > >Thanks, > >Davis >

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