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XPMenus in a baseclass

I build a baseclass for datamanipulation which includes a childframebarmanager control. I defined the main toolbar and the main menu for this baseclass. Now, when I inherit from this class to build an implementation of a dataform, the designer cannot load the design view of this form (see attached file). Isn't it possible to do something like that? How should I build such a behavior instead? Do I have to put a childformbarmanager on each form? kind regards, Alex

4 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 2, 2002 12:35 PM UTC

We did some testing and realised that there are some issues with the ChildFrameBarManager that doesn't let you put it in a base Form and design it in a derived Form. We will fix this issue in the final release. We apologize for the inconvenience. -Praveen Ramesh > I build a baseclass for datamanipulation which includes a childframebarmanager control. I defined the main toolbar and the main menu for this baseclass. > > Now, when I inherit from this class to build an implementation of a dataform, the designer cannot load the design view of this form (see attached file). > > Isn't it possible to do something like that? > How should I build such a behavior instead? > Do I have to put a childformbarmanager on each form? > > kind regards, > > Alex

AB Alex Brunner May 22, 2002 07:01 AM UTC

Could it be possible to receive a patch for this problem? It won't make very much sense, if I now start building an application and have to place the XPMenus in every form instead of deriving from a base form that already holds this ChildFrameBarManager and just customize it. Alex

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 22, 2002 08:26 AM UTC

Yes, we can send you a patch in a day or 2. -Praveen

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 29, 2002 12:20 PM UTC

Alex, We now have full design-time support for the XP Menus in the derived Form's designer. But, we are not comfortable in sending you a patch, considering that many of our componants are in development-mode for RC2 and hence a little unstable. Please wait for a few more days for our RC2 release. Thanks -Praveen Ramesh

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