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Changing cell text at runtime issue.

I have an issue setting the text of a cell at runtime in a data bound grid. I use the following code to set the text of a cell when a use clicks a menu item. The very first time this is done the value in the cell does not change, although I can see it flicker. Any subsequent click of the menu item changes the text of the cell. What do I need to do to get this to work the first time it is run? grdDetail.Binder.BeginEdit() grdDetail(grdDetail.CurrentCell.RowIndex, cellIdx).Text = value grdDetail.Binder.EndEdit()

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 29, 2004 02:47 PM UTC

The only problem I can think of is if teh cell you are trying to change is an editing currentcell. In this case the change would be ignored probably. Here is a little sample that avoid this problem in Does it work for you? Are you doing something differently? WindowsApplication13_4706.zip

CT Chris Thompson November 5, 2004 11:55 AM UTC

One other odd thing here. Maybe this will help find an answer... If I am on the first row of the grid, and even if I click on the first row of the grid, I see the text I am writing in the cell "flash". It appears, and then disappears. If I click on any other row in the grid, I can change the data of the cell for any row. I no longer see the data "flash".

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 5, 2004 02:03 PM UTC

What version of our dll''s are you using? I have seen the behavior you described in recent test builds here, but it does not happen in for me using the same test samples.

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