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Working with "insert" row in GDBG.

I have a GDBG in which EnableAddNew is enabled. The GDBG is bound to a DataSet that is populated by a DataAdaptor which is filled with the contents of a user-specified table (or view) from a database. I wanted to prevent users from editing those columns which are part of either the primary key for the underlying table or one of the unique indexes for the table or a database view. The following code is used to accomplish this (note that the _dbCmdBuilder class is a homegrown replacement for the CLRs CommandBuilder that corrects some limitations of that class): for (int n = 1; n <= grid.Model.ColCount; n++ ) { if ( _dbCmdBuilder.IsColumnReserved(n - 1) ) { grid[-1,n].CellType = "static"; grid[-1,n].ReadOnly = true; } } This works fine except that it also prevents users from editing those same columns when inserting a new row (in the insertion row at the bottom). How can I keep all the cells in that bottom insertion row editable? Thanks, Andy

6 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 29, 2004 02:11 PM UTC

One way to do this is to handle the grid.Model.QueryCellInfo event, and if e.ColIndex > 0 && e.RowIndex == grid.Model.RowCount, then set e.Style.Enabled = true and e.Style.CellType = "TextBox".

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 29, 2004 03:06 PM UTC

Clay, That works, almost. It does allow me to edit the first "key" column. But as soon as you start editing in a cell in the insert row, a new insert row is created which makes the row I''m in revert to non-editable for key columns. This can create a problem if I have a row with multiple key-column cells that need values because after leaving the first key-column, the other cells have reverted to non-editable. I''m considering having a seperate one-row, non-bound grid control above (or below) the GDBG in which users can add new rows... but that seems a bit drastic. Andy >One way to do this is to handle the grid.Model.QueryCellInfo event, and if e.ColIndex > 0 && e.RowIndex == grid.Model.RowCount, then set e.Style.Enabled = true and e.Style.CellType = "TextBox".

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 29, 2004 03:12 PM UTC

I had a thought. Somewhere, probably in the ADO.NET stuff, there must be a flag marking new rows as needing to be inserted (via the INSERT statement set-up in the data adapter. If I can figure out which rows in the grid match those rows in the datatable that are "insertable", then I can leave those editable until such time as the dataset is updated via the data-adaptor. I don''t know the CLR or ADO.NET or the grid control''s binding mechanism well enough yet to know where to look for such a flag. Any thoughts? >Clay, > >That works, almost. It does allow me to edit the first "key" column. But as soon as you start editing in a cell in the insert row, a new insert row is created which makes the row I''m in revert to non-editable for key columns. > >This can create a problem if I have a row with multiple key-column cells that need values because after leaving the first key-column, the other cells have reverted to non-editable. > >I''m considering having a seperate one-row, non-bound grid control above (or below) the GDBG in which users can add new rows... but that seems a bit drastic. > >Andy > >>One way to do this is to handle the grid.Model.QueryCellInfo event, and if e.ColIndex > 0 && e.RowIndex == grid.Model.RowCount, then set e.Style.Enabled = true and e.Style.CellType = "TextBox".

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 29, 2004 03:21 PM UTC

Try checking if(e.ColIndex > 0 && (e.RowIndex == grid.Model.RowCount || grid.Binder.IsInAddNew)) { // }

MF Mauro Fiore October 31, 2004 02:47 PM UTC

Apologize me but where do I find the GQueryCellInfo event in GridDataBoundGrid object? thanks all, Mauro.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 31, 2004 03:58 PM UTC

It is in the Model member, grid.Model.QueryCellInfo. this.gridDataBoundGrid1.Model.QueryCellInfo += new GridQueryCellInfoEventHandler(Model_QueryCellInfo);

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