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OLE D&D with GridGroupingControl

Hi, I am having difficulty enabling drag and drop in my GridGroupingControl. Please can you tell me the settings to enable this and some guidance on handling D&D behaviour with the added complexity of grouping. The requirement is for the user to be able to re-order either child rows within a group, and groups within the grid. There is only one level of grouping. Thanks for your advice. Jason Southgate.

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 29, 2004 03:04 PM UTC

To get this working, you will have to add a custom mouse controller. We will try to prepare a sample showing how you might go about this, but it will be a week or so before it can be done.

JS Jason Southgate November 1, 2004 02:32 PM UTC

Clay, Thanks for your timely response. Some more background. Data arrives in the grid bound to a dataview as expected. The user then has the option to drag and drop the groups to re-order them as will. Also within the groups, the rows may be re-ordered. I was hoping this would simply be possible using the standard .NET drag and drop features. Is this not the case? The complexity I envisaged was from the ordering on the items on the grid, since they are bound to the dataview. So perhaps a new column would be required?? Also you should be aware that these settings we hope to serialise, so that the user''s settings are saved to an xml file we already use for holding certain settings of the parent form, and retrieved on subsequent use of the grid. Any new rows would appear at the bottom of the serialised data. I hope this makes some sense. I am looking into the drag and drop functionality and look forward to your input. I will post some code in a couple of days, which you may find useful to refer to. Thanks again for your excellent support, Jason.

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