To get at the ''contents'' of a group given the CaptionRow, you get teh CaptionRow''s parent group and then check the Details collection of this group. The details will either be records or child groups dependng what group level the CaptionRow is from. Here is a snippet that you can add to the QueryCellStyleInfo handler in the previous sample to show this information when you expand a "Col1" group in the sample.
Group grp = gcr.ParentGroup; //gcr is GridCaptionRow
DetailsSection ds = grp.Details;
if(ds is GridRecordsDetails)
GridRecordsDetails grd = ds as GridRecordsDetails;
foreach(Record r2 in grd.Records)
Console.WriteLine("* " + r2.ToString());
else if(ds is GridGroupsDetails)
GridGroupsDetails ggd = ds as GridGroupsDetails;
foreach(Group g in ggd.Groups)
Console.WriteLine("+ " + g.ToString());