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Expand group(s) from ListChanged event

Hello, I''ve been struggling with creating an algorithm for the following problem for a few hours now, I hope you can help. It appears to be simple. I am listening to the ListChanged event of the DataView providing the data for my GridGrouping control linkMonitorGrid, and if the [Status] field has a certain condition (values 0 or 1), I want to expand the group in which that child resides. At first I thought about using the NewIndex property and passing this to my own method, CheckForPossibleGridExpands: private void OnLinkViewChanged ( object sender, ListChangedEventArgs e ) { // if it''s an addition or an update if ( e.ListChangedType == ListChangedType.ItemAdded || e.ListChangedType == ListChangedType.ItemChanged ) { CheckForPossibleGridExpands( e.NewIndex ); } else if ( e.ListChangedType == ListChangedType.Reset ) { CheckForPossibleGridExpands(); } } private void CheckForPossibleGridExpands(int rowIndex) { int status = Convert.ToInt16(this.linkMonitorGridView.Table.Rows[rowIndex]["Status"]); // compare the new status with the one currently stored in the grid if ( status == 0 || status == 1 ) { // fetch the primary key MarketID string marketId = this.linkMonitorGridView.Table.Rows[rowIndex]["MarketID"]; Syncfusion.Grouping.Table table = this.linkMonitorGrid.TableModel.Table; Syncfusion.Grouping.ElementsInTableCollection elements = table.Elements; //table.FilteredRecords RecordFilterDescriptor rfd = new RecordFilterDescriptor("MarketID", new Syncfusion.Grouping.FilterCondition(FilterCompareOperator.Equals, marketId) ); RecordFilterDescriptorCollection rfdc = new RecordFilterDescriptorCollection(); rfdc.Add(rfd); // expand the grid group table.ExpandAllGroups(); } } and overloading this method with one which iterates through the linkMonitorGridView.Table.Rows when I recieve a ListChangedType.Reset, but i am not thinking that I should perhaps apply a filter to the this.linkMonitorGrid.TableModel.Table? Is that the right approach?? Also am I correct that linkMonitorGrid.TableModel.Table.ExpandAllGroups() will expand the group one I have located the record in the table, or do I need to be traversing some actual grid properties to correctly use ExpandAllGroups()??? Thanks in advance for your assistance. Jason Southgate.

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 21, 2004 07:04 AM UTC

Hi Jason, applying a filter is not a good approach. It will modify the collection of available records for the table (Table.FilteredRecords). But you can use the UnsortedRecords collection and look up a record based on its source index. See below. private void OnLinkViewChanged ( object sender, ListChangedEventArgs e ) { // if it''''s an addition or an update if ( e.ListChangedType == ListChangedType.ItemAdded || e.ListChangedType == ListChangedType.ItemChanged ) { Record r = this.linkMonitorGrid.Table.UnsortedRecords[e.NewIndex]; // and then either r.ParentTable.ShowRecord(r, true); // or r.ParentGroup.IsExpanded = true; } else if ( e.ListChangedType == ListChangedType.Reset ) { this.linkMonitorGrid.Table.ExpandAllGroups(); } } FYI - In the next version there will also be a PrimaryKeySortedRecords collection that you can then also use to quickly look up a record based on a primary key, e.g. Record r = this.linkMonitorGrid.Table.PrimaryKeySortedRecords[primaryKeyValue]; Stefan

JS Jason Southgate October 21, 2004 07:56 AM UTC

Perfect Stefan, I did this, in the end and overloaded the method too to cover ListChangedType.Reset: private void OnLinkViewChanged ( object sender, ListChangedEventArgs e ) { // refresh the grid summaries this.linkMonitorGrid.Table.SummariesDirty = true; this.linkMonitorGrid.Refresh(); // if it''s an addition or an update if ( e.ListChangedType == ListChangedType.ItemAdded || e.ListChangedType == ListChangedType.ItemChanged ) { CheckForPossibleGridExpands( e.NewIndex ); } else if ( e.ListChangedType == ListChangedType.Reset ) { CheckForPossibleGridExpands(); } } private void CheckForPossibleGridExpands( int rowIndex ) { int status = Convert.ToInt16( this.linkMonitorGridView.Table.Rows[rowIndex]["Status"] ); // compare the new status with the one currently stored in the grid if ( status == 0 || status == 1 ) { Record r = this.linkMonitorGrid.Table.UnsortedRecords[rowIndex]; // expand the grid group r.ParentGroup.IsExpanded = true; } } private void CheckForPossibleGridExpands() { for ( int i=0; i

JS Jason Southgate October 21, 2004 07:58 AM UTC

Sorry this was the overloaded method in the end: private void CheckForPossibleGridExpands() { for ( int i=0; i
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